
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tell me a story about me...

"Tell me a  story about me." is Clémence's new favorite thing to say. So, this is a story about baby-wearing...

Once upon a time I was pregnant with my very first baby. I so longed for a little girl. I was sitting in chapel at school one day and I thought of this beautiful name... Clémence Olivia. It was so perfect and lovely I wanted to have a little girl so I could give her such a wonderful name and then one day tell her how I had thought it up out of the blue and how much longing for a baby girl to hold it had created in my heart.

So, anyhow, I wanted a baby girl. I wait and waited, but the waiting was hard, so I started looking at things to buy just in case we would have a girl. I bought some clothes and a few toys. I started reading about labor and child development. And, I came across a baby carrier called a Moby. I wanted one pretty badly. I put one on my registry. A cute teal one with owls on the front. Then, I found a tiny Moby for a little girl and bought it right away.

It was two years before I was able to share this moment with my daughter, but a few weeks after Jude was born, she unrolled my Moby and asked to wear her baby Squeeker. We were both pretty thrilled when I told her she had her own Moby her very own size.